03 January 2008

Iowa: The Dems...and the independent

From David Brooks via my dad, Hillary's loss in Iowa does not end her candidacy, it just ends the "inevitable nominee" part of her candidacy. I think its an interesting point and wonder if it could be a good for the party if the race turned into a truly three way match (which some would argue it has been all along).
Congratulations to Obama. Even though I've been talking up Edwards of late I do think Obama could be revolutionary, though I worry about his lack of experience. It appears he is doing a good job of bringing new people to politics: "57% of caucus-goers said it was their first time taking part, and first-time caucus-goers made up two-thirds of Obama's supporters." Thats revolutionary. Read the LA Times article here.

Does Huckabee + Obama = Bloomberg?
"Mr. Bloomberg himself has become more candid in conversations with friends and associates about his interest in running, according to participants in those talks. Despite public denials, the mayor has privately suggested scenarios in which he might be a viable candidate: for instance, if the opposing major party candidates are poles apart, like Mike Huckabee, a Republican, versus Barack Obama or John Edwards as the Democratic nominee"
"One concern among Mr. Bloomberg’s inner circle is whether a loss would label him a spoiler — “a rich Ralph Nader” — who cost a more viable candidate the presidency in a watershed political year. One person close to the mayor, who spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to be seen discussing internal strategy, stressed that Mr. Bloomberg would run only if he believed he could win."
Read the full NY Times article here or here.