31 December 2007

Another post on Andrew Sullivan's blog gets it right, here.
The best bits: "That said, we are not trying to punish anyone, and we are aware that Mrs. Clinton is profoundly, if irrationally, divisive. What's worse for many of us is that she is a bit of a centrist, especially on issues of foreign policy. Most of us really wish there were more there there to Mr. Obama . . . in that he doesn't seem to provide much leadership when it comes to his colleagues; he doesn't appear effective. He never votes or takes a stand when it counts, and how many initiatives has he taken. Say what you will about Mrs. Clinton, she does seem effective, and maybe that's what scares the bejesus out of all you right wing ideologues."
And more about Obama:
"what we want to see is real world leadership, hands on, and so far he's been second best at best to just about everyone else running."
And finally:
"The real key to understanding the difference between Republicans and Democrats is in their reactions to the previous two Presidents.... Bill Clinton ... played fast and loose with the truth, and his personal approach to life. Democrats hate what George Bush has done to the country. There's a real difference, and Republicans as well as so-called (conservative) independents, project their feelings about the Clintons on ours about George Bush." (Bolding added.)